Economic bag filter

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Economic bag filter

Chính sách giao hàng
Ngày đăng: 18-03-2017
2,258 lượt xem

Economic Bag Filter Vessel

Simple V clamp Cover design makes it easy to use for general purpose filtration needs, it is available for flow rate up to 40 m3/hr (water).

Features Most cost effective vessel available. Quick V Clamp Closure Design. SS 304 / 316 construction. Unique Viton profile gasket for perfect bag sealing. Fix perfectly with all standard bags


Size – All 4 sizes available -1, 2, 3, 4. 

Pressure rating:  Size 1 & 2 – 6 Bar @ 90 deg C.  Size 3 & 4 – 9 Bar @ 90 deg C

Material – SS304, SS316, SS316L. O ring Buna N, EPDM, VITON. Connection FNPT, BSP coupling

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